![]() It never ceases to amaze me what beautiful things human beings can be, when you aren't annoying, exasperating, disgusting, ![]() ![]() ![]() And perhaps they will just die and get away with it! But perhaps not. Who knows if there really is a "God," or a "Devil?" I think I do, but then again, I am crazy. Perhaps there is both... or perhaps "The Devil" is simply just the flip-side of "God." One side creates... the other side destroys? ![]() Actually though, after contemplating the theories and conclusions of one Sir Fred Hoyle (one of the most interesting, insightful and understandable scientists that I believe was ever created, if you'll pardon the expression) it seems to me that his argument for creation by intelligent design far outweighs the argument propounded by Charles Darwin, and supported by certain other scientific bigwigs (some of whom seem to be stuck in some kind of "specialized" rut), which is that all forms of life very gradually arose by a fortuitous coming-together of certain poisonous gases that somehow combined, during a period of intensely devastating bombardment from outer space, to make simple organic molecules, which developed into primitive enzymes, which drifted around picking up other enzymes, or whatever those scientific guys say accidentally arose in that "warm little pond" (the primordial soup), stuff which eventually gave rise to the highly-ordered amino acids and nitrogenous bases that make up the DNA that contains the instructions for building the 200,000 other, different, extremely complex proteins and the 2,000 even more complex enzymes that make up the foundational building blocks of living organisms. Huh? Yeah I know, me too. But moving right along -- the late, great Sir Hoyle had a gift for making complex subjects accessible to a layman reader, and I was able to follow his explanations to a certain extent -- in spite of the fact that I am blessed with a mind that gravitates heavily towards more hedonistic thoughts than science. ![]() Armed with that simple but proven scientific knowledge, I re-read Sir Hoyle's 1983 book "The Intelligent Universe," and slowly a light started to flicker to life in my head. Among many other fascinating things I learned from this book is that viruses which carry amino acids that make up DNA can most definitely survive very long-term space travel, embedded in comets that "stream" out ![]() The "orthodox" scientists are very quick to deny that the hand of intelligent design is involved in these evolutionary changes; they argue, sometimes simplistically, that these changes are due to things like mistakes in the copying of DNA, environmental differences, and other factors. But according to Sir Fred, "mistakes" in gene-copying and the widely-accepted "natural selection" theories of Charles Darwin (i.e., survival of the fittest) cannot account for the creation of the amazing multitude of different life forms that are present on Earth today, mainly because ![]() But why couldn't those amino acids that make up DNA have been assembled here on Earth in some warm little pond or something, and kick-started the building of more complex molecules and enzymes and things like that without "outside" intervention? Why would they have to come from some force outside of the planet? Well, according to Sir Fred's mathematical calculations, the few billions of years alloted for these things to happen is just too short a span of time for such development to occur, left to its own devices. The roughly 200,000 proteins and 2,000 enzymes which our bodies use are highly-regimented arrangements of amino acids that work as software and hardware in a process somewhat like a military operation, the enzymes being the hardware. Sir Fred calculates that the mathematical chance of even one of the essential 2,000 enzymes our bodies use having arisen by accident would be roughly equivalent to the odds of a gambler rolling 50,000 straight sixes, using unloaded dice (not to mention the other 1,999 or so enzymes we use)! Enzymes are super-critical to the assembly of the complex proteins that make up higher life forms; without them, such assembly would simply take too long. They also do things like speeding up the digestion of the food we eat; without those complex enzymes to help speed up metabolic processes, an organism would die of starvation before it could digest the food it ingested. But wait, there's more... a hell of a lot more, actually. In fact, I'm only going to cite a few more items from Sir Fred's book because I don't have all the time or space in the universe to list more. So have this, Darwinists... Charles Darwin wrote that "Natural selection was daily and hourly scrutinizing," looking for "the slightest variations, rejecting those that are bad, preserving and adding up all that are good, silently and insensibly working...". This implied that evolution always proceeded at a constant, though extremely slow pace, without intelligent intervention. His supporters cite the fossil record that shows the gradually increasing sizes of animals like horses; however, these were of basically the same genetic structure, and changes in size could have been caused by external factors, like nutrition (apparently Hoyle didn't consider the loss of toes or the transition from a toenail to a hoof in forerunners to the modern horse to be large enough to count as a crucial change [although this still doesn't rule out evolution by genes delivered from outer space]). ![]() What the fossil record does bear out, however, and what Darwin himself acknowledged to be a thorn in his theory's side, was what he called evolution "per saltum," or evolution by major leaps that occurred all at once, followed by long periods of stability. Per Sir Fred, this would indicate that the changes were caused by the sudden arrival of genes from outer space, not by continuous errors in the copying of DNA. Darwinists tried to get around this idea by saying the DNA copying errors didn't need to create new genetic structures; they could have brought into operation already assembled genetic information that was just lying around. But again, this ducks the issue of how the perfectly assembled and fully-functioning gene sequences that caused the abrupt major changes originated in the first place by small DNA-copying errors, or "point mutations." The only explanation for evolution by "jumps" is if that information came from outside the system, says Hoyle. ![]() There are multitudes of inexplicable examples of animal and insect behaviour that can't be explained by point-mutations or Darwin's gradual building-up and weeding-out theories; the dance a bee does to tell its fellow bees where it found some appealing source of nutrition; the "false eyes" markings present in some animals that warn others not to eat or otherwise mess with them; the ability of birds raised in lonely captivity to construct complex nests; the complexity of the webs that spiders build by instinct, and many other strange things that would be more of a hindrance, or even a danger in their early formative stages to the animal slowly developing it by errors in gene copying, or "point mutations." Example: what good would a single or very few strands of a spider web do to a hungry spider trying to trap prey in a web? It would only be useful in its fully developed stage. And the rudimentary beginnings of a "false eye" marking would only make an animal more easy to spot, thus increasing the likelihood of its being eaten. But these things are plenty useful when they appear all at once! So what gives here? I could go on and on with these examples (Sir Fred certainly does), but I don't want to bore you and make you go away before I make my final point. So let's briefly examine Sir Fred's theories as to what caused Darwin's nobly-intended but clearly erroneous theories of evolution to gain so many adherents, before I end this webpage with a grand flourish. In his forward to "The Intelligent Universe," Hoyle points out that ever since the invention of the microscope in 1673, and the resulting ability to study the hitherto-unseen world of tiny little guys, there has been a conflict between science and religion regarding the subject of evolution, with the scientists challenging the religious dogma that all species were created separately. This dogmatic reasoning had been used by the Church to support powerful autocrats throughout Europe, who believed they were fixed in their high-faluting places by divine ordnance; the autocrats used that logic to justify their suppresion of the less fortunate commoners (with the help of the Church). The Industrial Revolution of the 1860's helped to create a "middle-class" composed of commoners who gained some relief from the bullying of the "nobility," showcasing a different sort of selection, artificial (requiring intelligent input) rather than natural (just randomly occuring with no intelligence required), illustrated by the coming and going of different types of products, improvements in accordance to the needs of the market. Hoyle states that even though this "artificial selection" required intelligent input and was not random as in natural selection, the similarities of the two concepts made it easier for society to accept natural selection, with no questions asked. And so it went. The same dogmatic reasoning that the Church used to suppress the "commoners" way back when is, in my opinion, still being used to this very day to suppress populist movements that try to resist rich powerful bullies, but in an opposite way, it seems to me. Nowadays, the rich and powerful monopolists see the popular belief in a "God" as a negative thing, which evil anti-satanic religious leaders use to incite God-worshipping people to do bad things, like fight back against the apparently Zionist-controlled United States when it invades their countries, pollutes their cultures and destroys their lives. The last thing these monopolists, or plutocrats, or oligarchs, or financiers, or whatever you want to call them (I call them Satanists, myself) want is for poorer people to start believing that an all-powerful, moral and righteous "God" wants them to stand up for what is right, see the Satanists for what they really are, unite and start trying really hard to resist them. But that's when the Satanists aren't actually using the Church to their advantage, as can be seen in the religious right's anti-abortion movement (yes, the religious "right" is influenced and controlled by the Satanists, same as all the rest of us); since arresting the mindless propogation of unwanted children constitutes a real threat to their total Satanic control over those aforementioned poorer people, the Satanists seek to outlaw abortion in order to flood society with poorly-educated "motherless children" who are too busy just trying to make ends meet, and have no time to learn the nature of the Satanists' money-printing/power-buying game. This explains the popularity of the Church-influenced "kill the abortionists" movement pretty clearly, to my way of thinking. It would also, by my reckoning, explain the amazing abundance of "credible" authorities who frenetically scream their opposition to anyone even listening to the words of people like Sir Fred Hoyle and his clearly scientific views, to the extreme point of enacting legislation forbidding educational institutions from even considering the possibility of creation by intelligent design! This would be be akin to teaching "religion" instead of "science," they insist. However, if you take a closer look at who or what is actually doing the frenetic screaming, you begin to see a pattern developing. News sources that are obviously and blatantly controlled by the Satanists (as evidenced by their non-stop groundless and hysterical editorializing about "anti-satanic" evildoers who criticize Israeli lobbying entities such as the too-powerful AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee], while developing a sudden inexplicable muteness about fascinating subjects such as the Mossad agents who seem to have carried out the terrorist events of "September 11th" and were mysteriously exonerated and allowed to return to Israel, or the culpability of the illegally contrived Federal Reserve in regards to the financial crises that have and still are occuring in this country [and a hell of a lot of others, too]) are clearly at the forefront of this opposition to reasonable scientific debate about evolution. ![]() And now we come to the concept of morality... a virtue the Satanists despise, and for good reason. It runs diametrically opposite to the rat-like philosophy of the Satanists, who stated that "the ruler who governed by the moral code was not a skilled politician because he left himself vulnerable and in an unstable position. By the laws of nature, right lies in force." Also, "the word right is an abstract thought and proves nothing." To me, by this same reasoning someone bigger and stronger than I am can break into my house, beat me up and take anything he wants from me; he would be entirely and blamelessly right in doing so, you see, because "right lies in force." It's just natural, man! Once more, in his forward to "The Intelligent Universe," Hoyle first points out the fact that the more sentient people often ask themselves, "what is the real purpose in life, if there is one?", then states that biology, as influenced by Darwinism, answers that question thusly: "only to produce the next generation. Nothing matters except continuity of existence." He next asks what use is the moral code that is present in all human societies, then? Would it not be more advantageous to the survival of those societies to abandon the concept of morality? Biology might answer that the moral code exists only to help people work together in groups, which promotes that group's survival. But Hoyle delves further by asking the question "why does morality persist when, after all, cheating is often more profitable than truthfulness?" He then states his opinion that Darwin's concept of natural selection is an open charter for any form of opportunistic behaviour, including cheating and even murder. I couldn't agree more; the words of the Satanists themselves ("By the laws of nature, right lies in force") confirm this. You can clearly see how an insane mind can make use of the concept of natural selection to justify anything evil it chooses to do; it's natural; its "real." A famous zoologist named Richard Dawkins, in his book "The Selfish Gene," concluded that morality is simply just a manifestation of genes that mathematically balance the two conflicting concepts of morality and immorality (altruism and selfishness, as Dawkins refers to them) in order to have a better chance of survival, citing the examples of certain worker bees that carry out rotten portions of bee cells in the hive and "sacrifice" their right to reproduce for the sake of all bees. This would appear to be what real people call "reductionism" (the reducing of everything in life to the interaction of small basic chemicals) in its finest form. Great, man. However, I personally witnessed Richard Dawkins, in a video called "The Great God Debate," state that a belief in God caused religious fanatics led by Osama Bin Laden to fly airplanes into three skyscrapers and disintegrate them (two skyscrapers, actually; the third one somehow fell all by itself!). Since anybody who has even half of a brain can tell right away that the events of September 11th were a sham farce, it would appear that Dawkins is either abysmally stupid or, much more likely, is in the employ of the Satanists who were actually behind that sham farce. Either way, Dawkins has a serious credibility problem and his opinions, and the opinions of other bought-off "authorities" bear little weight on this, or any debate. Having said that, however, I must admit that I have learned from harsh experience that in an imperfect world, a compromise must sometimes be struck between the moralist view and the realist view; morality is a delicate matter, as Hoyle points out. I say, better a balance between the two than a complete abandonment of morality, as the Satanists seem to espouse. The question then seems to be, "how much morality should be abandoned?" To that I would answer thusly: "Play it as it lays" (heh-heh, snicker snicker). In other words, it depends on things like the severity of the situation at hand, and the amount of guilt you can live with after doing something bad or screwing over your fellow man. The changing conditions of an imperfect world dictate that "rules are meant to be broken" sometimes. It has been said that "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions," and obviously, you can't always go by the book. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't stray too far from the "book," or you risk become an SS-DG Zionist yourself! But there is another factor that I have to deal with, that the Satanists don't consider; the wrath of whatever it is that created everything, if the Darwinists are indeed wrong as the evidence shows: "God." For reasons which I am about to lay out, I have come to believe (realize would be a better word) that this "God" guy, whatever He is, really does exist. At the risk of being taken for a liar and/or a madman (No!), I am hereby stating that some kind of unearthly force has revealed itself to me many, many times, in the form of "signs" that I can no longer ignore. These signs take the form of strangely-timed coincidences which, because they have occurred so often in my life, I can no longer see as being "coincidences," and I am forced to consider that they are symbolic revelations meant to make me see myself, and the mistakes I continually make, through God's eyes. I have received so many of these "signs" that, as of this point in time, I believe that I would be a God-forsaken idiot to doubt the existence of this God, or Creator, or whatever you want to call Him. This "realization" has influenced my thinking and my behaviour so profoundly, especially over the last five or six years, that I am now extremely hesitant to do anything that would offend this Guy, because I know that He knows that I know that He really does exist, and deliberately displeasing Him now would amount to blatantly slapping Him in His face, something I really don't want to indulge in anymore, thanks to some extremely serious consequences that have happened to me when I did so in the past. And now we come to the crux of all this. The crux of all this typing is that if people could see that there really was something out there, whether it be a lone entity or a "committee" of some sort, or something else that we just can't conceive of, people would think twice, as I do, before doing some of the really bad things that people are doing today. Of course I'm talking about, you guessed it... the Satanists. I truly believe, using my powers of observation, inference and imagination, that the Satanists at the top of the secret power pyramid are beyond redemption, and wouldn't fear God if He came down from "Heaven," wherever that is, and tapped them on the shoulder, grinning. They are deeply entrenched in their situation, and probably rightfully fear execution for their enormous crimes against humanity, especially over the last 100 or so years. However, they are so confident of their power over the rest of the world, power gained mainly through the manipulation, theft, and knowledgable application of money, that they have little fear of ever being overthrown, and are thusly highly unlikely to change their mass-murdering and socially deleterious ways. It is their immediate underlings whose minds I am appealing to here; the ones that protect and serve them, most importantly the guys that control the standing armies (which our Constitution forbade us to maintain in times of peace) and launch the nuclear missiles. If these people could only realize what I realize about what a mean motherfucker this anthropomorphic, personal "God" can be when He's mad at you, they would most definitely think twice about their fates in this life, and especially in the next, before they gave themselve carte blanche to do any and all sorts of evil murderous things. Far too may people reject the notion of an almighty, all-seeing God because they expect Him to be some kind of Santa Claus from Disneyland; that, I have found through painful experience, He is most definitely not. But how could an intelligent Creator, if there is one, punish someone whose life form has perished? Is a person's "soul" separate from their actual brain? And does a knowledgeable, highly-educated and insightful scientist like Sir Fred Hoyle, a man who doesn't preach religion but goes by the scientific method, have anything to say about this concept of an "afterlife?" Actually, he does. However, if you have read this far I am assuming that you are an intelligent, thoughtful person, but a person who has a lot of other pressing things to do that require your time and attention. Therefore, let us stop right here for the time being, and return to this subject in Chapter Two of this Free Music Video webpage, which may or may not have a different music video... depending on my time and attention span. Thanks for reading this! Here's the free music video I promised you so long ago. The background song is called "Little A's." Please go easy on the song; it was one of mine and Eddy's first musical recordings, done on extremely inexpensive equipment (try to forgive the funny sounding "Casio Keyboard" drums!) Alright then... see you little droogies next time. Click this link to download: Curse of the Satanists Click here to go back to Index Text, photos and music video "Curse of the Satanists" Copyright 2020 by Charles Adrian Trevino. The song "Little A's" copyright 1990 by Charles Adrian Trevino and Eddie Perez. God bless... and good luck! This is |